Wednesday, July 30, 2008

2008: Somos Bonitas Adentro y Afuera (We are beautiful inside and out)

Many of the Yahoska girls have never been asked to discuss their inner feelings about their personalities, but project Somos Bonitas Adentro y Afuera prompted some of these sentiments.

Two weeks ago I took individual photos of each girl and had them printed in Managua. It was an incredible process to find the hard-backed poster board I wanted to mount the photos on. I took a bus to a neighboring town to find a large styrofoam piece from an appliances store. I painted the board red and pasted the photos of the girls in order of youngest to oldest. Below every photo I wrote ADENTRO: and AFUERA:. I brought the poster board to the home of the Yahoskas, and was immediately surrounded by smiling faces and screeching voices saying, "ENSEÑA!". After every girl got a good look at the poster, we began the two day process of discussions.

We talked about what we thought was beautiful (both inside and out) about the personalities and faces of each girl. We talked about how the media often emphasizes outer appearances, and how it is important to realize there is more to a person than the clothes they wear or makeup they put on. A few of the girls blushed and smiled nervously as we talked, but eventually they all warmed up and enjoyed talking about their favorite personality traits and physical features.