Wednesday, June 17, 2015

2015: All-nighters never fail

I always plan to get sleep the night before I leave for Nicaragua, but I get too excited...maybe anxious is a better word. Did I gather enough donations? Will I get my yearly dose of parasites? Which girl will I get to hug first? How much have the girls grown? These questions flow through my head like a raging river...uncontrollable. I can't sleep, so I shouldn't fight it. That's what planes are for right?

Before I leave, I want to give a special thanks to my friends and family who support me year after year. I couldn't continue to make this journey without them. And a special thanks to my parents for becoming a permanent part of my work with Los Quinchos - they started a scholarship program which is currently funding the first girl from Las Yahoskas to go to college (she is about to start her fourth semester)! Another special thanks to Anna Ledezma, who makes gorgeous hair bows (photographed above) year after year for the girls.